Ok, here goes......we've been really busy, and having so much fun! We have a special classroom guest "Pickles the Elf" this month. He watches the kids all day then reports back to Santa at night and is always watching him from another place in the room the next day! Here the kids are playing puzzles cut from old greeting cards, and making rectangles from two triangles! The kindergarten class came and sang their Thanksgiving songs to us, we really enjoy it when they visit! We also continue to work on patterning! Fun stuff: Duck, Duck, Goose at recess!
Last week our themes all revolved around the importance of reading. The children were introduced to several well known authors and illustrators, and got to hear some fantastic books! We talked about Dr. Seuss and read several of his silly stories. We also pretended to be hermit crabs after reading A House for Hermit Crab, by Eric Carle. Please remember to make time every day to read with your child, and point out "environmental" print. They are emerging readers and will be building a solid foundation for reading by mulitple exposures to print.
We celebrated the Veteran's on Nov. 11th by walking down to Main street and watching the parade. The kiddos had a blast waving and watching the 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders march in the parade! The were mesmerized by the street sweeper at the end of the parade, "Where did the horse poop go Mrs. Luebbering"? LOL!
Our theme last week was all about animals in the winter. We talked about how some animals migrate, some grow thick fir to keep warm, and others hibernate. They had fun pretending to be hibernating bears, and bear crawling!
Lots of superheroes, and princesses. Even a cute "fluffy bumblebee"! The moms provided a GREAT party with yummy smacks, goodies, and games! Thank you mommas!
Our school celebrated the Feast of All Saints on October 29th. The "big kids" were kind enough to stroll through our room after church so we could check them out.
We had a great day with our Teddy Bear friends! We learned the "Teddy Bear" song, read teddy bear stories, and did teddy bear math making patterns with gummy bears! We also classified and grouped our bears by size and color. Who knew teddy bears could be so educational! ;)
Since it is February, we are talking about Dental Hygiene. We were reading a story about a little boy who went to the dentist and he saw another kid with "metal" in his mouth. Larsen's response was "yeah Mrs. Blue-Green they are called bracelets."