Thanks for doing this Kim:) I love seeing what the kids are up to! The picture of the boys in the "car" at recess cracks me up. Drew has been telling me that he plays in the "bat car" at recess...this must be what he means! Tonight he started singing "Hickory Dickory Dock" in the tub. I'm guessing this must be something he learned at school as we haven't sung that one much here at home!!
Since it is February, we are talking about Dental Hygiene. We were reading a story about a little boy who went to the dentist and he saw another kid with "metal" in his mouth. Larsen's response was "yeah Mrs. Blue-Green they are called bracelets."
Thanks for doing this Kim:) I love seeing what the kids are up to! The picture of the boys in the "car" at recess cracks me up. Drew has been telling me that he plays in the "bat car" at recess...this must be what he means! Tonight he started singing "Hickory Dickory Dock" in the tub. I'm guessing this must be something he learned at school as we haven't sung that one much here at home!!